Pariyatti Podcasts

Ven. Ledi Sayadaw: a talk by Patrick Given-Wilson

February 17, 2018

"Ven. Ledi Sayadaw was the first vipassana teacher that we know of in this tradition in modern times with such detail. His great innovation was to start spreading the actual practice widely and to householders."

In this video, Patrick Given-Wilson explores the life of this meditation master and magnificent pariyatti scholar who authored over a hundred expositions on the Dhamma. He was perhaps the most outstanding Buddhist figure of his age. All who have come in contact with the path of Dhamma in recent years owe a great debt of gratitude to this scholarly, saintly monk who was instrumental in reviving the traditional practice of vipassana, making it more available for renunciates and lay people alike.

Watch the video or download the audio.

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Copyright 2017 Dhamma Bhumi, Australia

For more information about Vipassana meditation please visit
Books and audio resources are available for purchase from the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation (University of Colorado, Boulder)

December 14, 2016

Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation
a lecture by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D.
delivered at the University of Colorado, Boulder

This talk was originally written in response to an invitation from multiple sponsors at Yale University. Various versions of this talk were given at Northeastern University, New York University, The University of Washington, Seattle; The University of British Columbia, Vancouver; the University of Colorado, Boulder; Harvard University, and Brown University, as well as at Dhamma Patapa Vipassana Center, Georgia.

This particular version of the talk was recorded at the University of Colorado, Boulder and is meant as an introductory talk that uses no technical language, and that contains explanations that require no previous biological knowledge. (Please understand that due to recording problems, the question-and-answer session ends abruptly.)

Another recording of this talk from the University of Washington, Seattle is geared more towards a university audience. It is a little more technical, and may perhaps be appreciated more by someone familiar with biological understanding. It looks upon meditation from a biological standpoint.

Paul R. Fleischman
audio recorded at the University of Colorado, Boulder
Sept. 29, 2016
59 minutes (with 15 min. Q. & A.)
PDF download of the talk also available below

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Copyright, 2016 Paul R. Fleischman

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation (University of Washington, Seattle)

September 12, 2016

Our Best and Most Lasting Gift: The Universal Features of Meditation
a lecture by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D.
delivered at the University of Washington, Seattle

This talk was originally written in response to an invitation from multiple sponsors at Yale University. Various versions of this talk were given at Northeastern University, New York University, The University of Washington, Seattle; The University of British Columbia, Vancouver; the University of Colorado, Boulder; Harvard University, and Brown University, as well as at Dhamma Patapa Vipassana Center, Georgia.

This version of the talk was recorded at the The University of Washington, Seattle is geared more towards a university audience. It is a little more technical, and may perhaps be appreciated more by someone familiar with biological understanding. It looks upon meditation from a biological standpoint.

Another recording of this talk from the University of Colorado and is meant as an introductory talk that uses no technical language, and that contains explanations that require no previous biological knowledge. If you want to listen to both talks, consider listening to the Colorado talk first.

Paul R. Fleischman
audio recorded at The University of Washington, Seattle
April 21, 2016
1 hour 4 minutes
PDF download of the talk also available below

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Copyright, 2016 Paul R. Fleischman

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

Ven. Webu Sayadaw: a talk by Patrick Given-Wilson

May 02, 2016

Webu Sayadaw was important for two reasons. One was that in his time he became one of the most venerated monks in Burma; he was known as an arahant, a fully-liberated person. And the second reason is that he encouraged Sayagyi U Ba Khin, Goenkaji's teacher, to start teaching meditation without delay. For a householder to be encouraged by a monk of such standing, gave Sayagyi enormous status, prestige and backing in his work throughout his life.

In this video, Patrick Given-Wilson explores this important relationship between Ven. Webu Sayadaw and Sayagyi U Ba Khin taking us through the significant life events of this inspiring monk who was known for giving all importance to diligent practice over scholastic achievement.

Watch the video or download the audio.

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Copyright 2016 Dhamma Bhumi, Australia

For more information about Vipassana meditation please visit
Books and audio resources are available for purchase from the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"Come and See!" from Realizing Change

April 02, 2016

“After finishing high school I was not sure what to study next. Philosophy was one of the possibilities, it seemed interesting, but I knew I did not really want to learn other people’s theories and thoughts, but rather how to live a good life myself. Wisdom was what I was looking for . . . .”

In this final Realizing Change Dhamma podcast, Come and See!, meditators share stories confirming that the search for truth is a very personal journey. An ancient technique of meditation, Vipassana is as relevant now as in the past and the direct personal experience of one’s own inner reality, mind and body, as it changes moment to moment, is at the core of the practice.

12 - Come and See!
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
29 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2016 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"One Truth - Vipassana, Science and Spirituality" from Realizing Change

March 02, 2016

For the harmonious development of individuals and society, proper integration of science and Dhamma is essential, yet they are often perceived as irreconcilable. Dhamma for many people today has become identified with sectarian religions, ritual, community conflicts and a stubborn resistance to any logical scrutiny of beliefs. Science meanwhile is usually associated with thoroughgoing materialism—the view that matter is the only reality.

In this month’s Dhamma podcast, One Truth - Vipassana, Science and Spirituality, we focus on how Vipassana elevates shared spiritual values over superficial differences, and points a way towards genuine understanding and reconciliation within and between diverse faiths, traditions, and science.

11 - One Truth - Vipassana, Science and Spirituality
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
54 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2016 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"Managing Oneself - Vipassana, Work & Social Action" from "Realizing Change"

February 01, 2016

Political, social and economic problems have always existed but with today’s almost instant communications, we can see just how widespread these are: the frightened refugees vowing revenge, another tainted food scare, the latest corruption scandal. Why even now, we may ask, do these same patterns keep recurring? Why have world organizations like the U.N. and individual governments not been able to deal effectively with problems such as communal tension, poverty, unemployment and abuse of power? Do we ever learn?

In this month’s Dhamma podcast, Managing Oneself - Vipassana, Work & Social Action, we focus on how Vipassana offers an alternative approach to solving these problems and the untold misery they cause. Know-how and resources are certainly necessary but above all wisdom is required. Listen to how people from various professions and backgrounds apply the benefits of vipassana in practical ways to tackle these global problems.

10 - Managing Oneself - Vipassana, Work & Social Action
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
74 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2016 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"Healing Mind - Health and Vipassana" from Realizing Change

January 05, 2016

“His physical condition worsened, the atmosphere at home grew increasingly tense and he seriously considered closing down his dental clinic. As a last resort, on the recommendation of a neighbor, he joined a ten-day Vipassana retreat, never thinking he’d be able to complete it. With faith and sheer willpower he learned to meditate and noticed an unmistakable lessening in the pain which had become his constant companion.”

A combination of physical, mental and social factors makes up the whole person. Each one contributes to our evolving state of health. But of these mind is most important because it is the central directing force of our entire life and activity. In this month's Dhamma podcast, Healing Mind - Health and Vipassana, we share stories from meditators about the impact vipassana has had helping them face mental disorders, physical illnesses, addictions, and ultimately, death.

9 - Healing Mind - Health and Vipassana
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
54 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2016 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"The Compass - Vipassana and the Young" from Realizing Change

November 11, 2015

“Grown ups think that children don’t have problems, but we do . . . missing my mum, worrying about school work,feeling lonely, getting angry with my little sister. Why do I get so upset? Can’t I stop being bad tempered? …”

Children come to learn meditation with many of the same aims and hopes as adults. Some hope “to become nicer to be around.” Others wish to be able to deal with stressful situations or to become more self-confident. In this month's Dhamma podcast listen to the inspiring experiences and stories of young people who have taken a children’s course.

8- The Compass - Vipassana and the Young
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
37 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

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