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Pariyatti Podcasts

Part 2 - The Meaning of Sati by Bhikkhu Bodhi

August 26, 2023

Part 2 - The Meaning of Sati from 'What Does Mindfulness Really Mean' by Bhikkhu Bodhi

A problem in hermeneutics, with intimate bearings on the actual practice of meditation, concerns the exact meaning of the word sati both in general and in relation to Buddhist contemplative activity. We take the rendering “mindfulness” so much for granted that we rarely inquire into the precise nuances of the English term, let alone the meaning of the original Pāli word it represents and the adequacy of the former as a rendering for the latter. The word “mindfulness” is itself so vague and elastic that it serves almost as a cipher into which we can read virtually anything we want. Hence we seldom recognize that the word was chosen as a rendering for sati at a particular point in time, after other terms had been tried and found inadequate.

narrated by Jonathan Nelson
23 minutes 50 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

'Investigating the Dhamma' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

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Part 1 - Mindfulness in the Buddhist Path by Bhikkhu Bodhi

August 16, 2023

Part 1 - Mindfulness in the Buddhist Path from 'What Does Mindfulness Really Mean' by Bhikkhu Bodhi

The entry of systematic mindfulness practice into the fields of stress reduction and psychotherapy has dramatically altered modern medicine’s perspectives on our capacity to regulate and overcome our human vulnerabilities. Mindfulness made its debut as a therapeutic discipline in 1979, when Jon Kabat-Zinn introduced his program of “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Since then its use to reduce pain and stress has been adopted by hundreds of medical centers, hospitals, and clinics around the world. The application of mindfulness in clinical settings has spread beyond stress reduction to psychotherapy, where it has proven a potent tool for helping patients deal with such conditions as depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders.

narrated by Jonathan Nelson
12 minutes 20 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

'Investigating the Dhamma' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

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Sangha at the Crossroads

May 20, 2023

Sangha at the Crossroads by Bhikkhu Bodhi

"In this article I want to focus on one particular constituency of Buddhists in present day Sri Lanka, the Bhikkhu Sangha, the Order of Monks. I intend to examine, though briefly, the problems it faces and its prospects for the future. This task is especially critical because of the central role the Sangha plays in guiding the destiny of the Sāsana, and it is clear that if the Sangha does not learn to deal with the momentous forces inundating present-day society, the future will see it increasingly relegated to the sidelines...."

This is a Pariyatti audiobook of the essay "Sangha at the Crossroads" from the book Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Narrated by Shelina Hetherington
38 minutes

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Audiobook copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

View Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi at BPS.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

The Changing Face of Buddhism

May 13, 2023

The Changing Face of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi

"If Buddhism is failing to penetrate deep into the hearts of those who profess it as their faith, we have to ask ourselves why, and to ask what can be done to reverse present trends. I would like to approach these questions by first asking what role Buddhism is intended to play in our lives in the first place. I will deal with this question by distinguishing two aspects of Buddhism both stemming from the Buddha’s original teaching. I shall call these the liberative and the accommodative strands of the Dhamma...."

This is a Pariyatti audiobook of the essay "The Changing Face of Buddhism" from the book Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Narrated by Shelina Hetherington
30 minutes

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Audiobook copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

View Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi at BPS.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Buddhist Approach to Economic and Social Development

May 06, 2023

A Buddhist Approach to Economic and Social Development by Bhikkhu Bodhi

"The notion of economic and social development has today become the rallying call of politicians, business leaders, and policy planners clear across the globe. This notion thus exercises a tremendous influence on the lives of all human beings, both at the personal level and as a determinant of social policy. Although the Buddhist texts prescribe certain principles to guide human beings in their economic and social activities, the notions of economic and social development that dominate current policy formulation have no precise parallels in earlier epochs. Thus to give adequate treatment to our topic it is not enough merely to listen to the canonical texts. Rather, we must draw out the implications of such ideas as economic and social development in their bearings on present-day social policy. Then we must use the profound perspectives offered us by the Dhamma as a tool for evaluating them and judging their worth."

This is a Pariyatti audiobook of the essay "A Buddhist Approach to Economic and Social Development" from the book Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Narrated by Shelina Hetherington
45 minutes

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Audiobook copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

View Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi at BPS.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Buddhist Social Ethic for the New Century

April 29, 2023

A Buddhist Social Ethic for the New Century by Bhikkhu Bodhi

"In Theravada Buddhist circles during the past few decades a debate has repeatedly erupted over the question whether or not jhāna is necessary to attain the “paths and fruits,” that is, the four graded stages of enlightenment. The debate has been sparked off by the rise to prominence of the various systems of insight meditation that have become popular both in Asia and the West, especially among lay Buddhists. Those who advocate such systems of meditation contend that the paths and fruits can be attained by developing insight (vipassanā) without a foundation of jhāna. If we use the Buddha’s teachings as a lens to examine the corporate economic system and its offshoot, the consumerist culture, we will see that it is ultimately detrimental to the well-being of both its masters and servants alike. Drawing upon the tools of Buddhist analysis, let us briefly sketch the inner dynamics of this system. We see in the first instance that such a social order is founded upon ignorance or delusion (avijjā, moha), namely, the supposition that material wealth and consumption are the criteria of the good life. According to the Buddhist texts, when ignorance infiltrates our cognitive systems it issues in a series of “distortions” (vipallāsa) which infect our perception (saññā), thinking (citta), and views (diṭṭhi). The Buddha mentions four such distortions: the notions that the impermanent is permanent, that the painful (or suffering) is pleasant, that the insubstantial is a self, and that the unbeautiful is beautiful. At the most basic level we perceive things by way of these distortions; when these distorted perceptions are taken up for reflection, we start thinking in terms of them; and finally, under the combined influence of distorted perception and thought, we adopt views—that is, beliefs, doctrines, and ideologies—that affirm the mistaken notions of permanence, pleasure, selfhood, and beauty."

This is a Pariyatti audiobook of the essay "A Buddhist Social Ethic for the New Century" from the book Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Narrated by Shelina Hetherington
1 hours 03 minutes

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Audiobook copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

View Facing the Future: Four Essays on the Social Relevance of Buddhism by Bhikkhu Bodhi at BPS.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

The Jhānas and the Lay Disciple According to the Pāli Suttas

April 21, 2023

The Jhānas and the Lay Disciple According to the Pāli Suttas by Bhikkhu Bodhi

"In Theravada Buddhist circles during the past few decades a debate has repeatedly erupted over the question whether or not jhāna is necessary to attain the “paths and fruits,” that is, the four graded stages of enlightenment. The debate has been sparked off by the rise to prominence of the various systems of insight meditation that have become popular both in Asia and the West, especially among lay Buddhists. Those who advocate such systems of meditation contend that the paths and fruits can be attained by developing insight (vipassanā) without a foundation of jhāna...."

This is a Pariyatti audiobook of the essay "The Jhānas and the Lay Disciple According to the Pāli Canon" from the book Investigating the Dhamma by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Narrated by Jonathan Nelson
1 hours 16 minutes

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Audiobook copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

View Investigating the Dhamma: a Collection of Papers by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 98 excerpt)

April 15, 2023

Story 98 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

There is an old story about a young seeker who asks the abbot of a nearby monastery for guidance on how to become enlightened. The abbot declines his request but sends him to a shoemaker in a nearby village. The abbot assures him that the shoemaker will help him achieve enlightenment. The young seeker went to find the shoemaker, with one caveat from the abbot: “Learn everything you can from the shoemaker, but don't ask him anything spiritual.”...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
12 minutes 28 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 97 excerpt)

April 12, 2023

Story 97 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

How long will it take to be enlightened? This is such a firstworld question. We want the truth and we want it now, to paraphrase Jim Morrison. There is no answer to that question, because it is the wrong question. And what’s more, enlightenment is not simply an answer, similar to the woman in Saks Fifth Avenue who asked how much the fur coat cost in the window who was told, “Madam, if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.” Nevertheless, let’s respond with the truth rather than attempting an answer to the wrong question....

narrated by Ian McCrorie
4 minutes 41 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 96 excerpt)

April 08, 2023

Story 96 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

My teacher in India eventually attracted so many students that he began to appoint assistants to lead retreats on their own. I began assisting him in 1996 and soon was made a senior assistant teacher. I led ten-day retreats throughout Canada, the United States, England, Myanmar, and India. I especially enjoyed addressing the many issues my students faced, most of whom were dealing with the daily shock of seeing into the skittishness of their minds for the first time. I was on a mission to spread the teachings, I had status and prestige within the community of meditators, and my personal practice was strong. How my life had changed!...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
5 minutes 54 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2023 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

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