Pariyatti Podcasts

"Freedom Behind Bars - Vipassana in Prisons" from Realizing Change

October 18, 2015

"Speaking for myself, we all need a way to face suffering. Suffering includes everything from the knowledge of our own mortality and ultimate aloneness, to the more immediate miseries of each person’s life….When an inmate finishes a Vipassana course, he or she has had a glimpse of freedom, perhaps for the first time. Hope and confidence arise from the knowledge that the source and the end of all misery lies within."

In this month's podcast, Chapter 7 " Freedom Behind Bars - Vipassana in Prisons," we explore how Vipassana courses conducted in prisons are attracting interest as they affect penal systems and treatment programs around the world (India, Taiwan, Thailand, Nepal, USA, New Zealand, and UK). Listen to inmates, prison guards, and administrators express their stories after sitting a 10-Day Vipassana course.

7 - Freedom Behind Bars - Vipassana in Prisons
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
47 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"On the Path" from Realizing Change

September 12, 2015

“For as long as I can remember I believed that every person had the right, and the ability, to achieve peace and happiness. When it did not happen for me automatically, as all my childhood (and adult) fairytales had promised, I was lost. No one had given me any practical way of overcoming the pain and suffering that I was experiencing. Would meditation help? A few tentative enquiries led me to Vipassana meditation as taught by Mr S.N. Goenka of India….”

In this month's podcast, Chapter 6 "On the Path," we hear students tell their own stories of transformation, from first sitting, through years of practice and service, to the responsibilities of teaching.

6 - On the Path
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
63 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"The Course Experience - After" from Realizing Change

August 12, 2015

“I have practiced Vipassana meditation every day for three months now. The rewards are great. The change in my life is enormous. I used to drink alcohol every day to survive the stress, now I can live without it. I was having a lot of trouble with my son, but since I learned not to react, not to get too angry, the relationship has taken a positive turnaround...”

This audio podcast is Chapter 5 of a twelve-part series from the audiobook Realizing Change by Ian Hetherington. It examines how to build on what’s been gained and how to keep growing on the path after a course.

5 - The Course Experience - After
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
42 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"The Course Experience - During" from Realizing Change

July 21, 2015

People sometimes feel that meditation is an introverted and rather selfish activity. “What about the ills of the world while you are contemplating your navel!” Vipassana is a self centered technique in the sense that only by working correctly on ourselves can we really be in a position to help others. But the whole thrust of the meditation is towards dissolving the false ego we have created and which now controls us. Little by little, as we transcend selfish egotism, we naturally want to turn the inner-directed energy and insight outwards. In this way we complete the circle of self and others.

This audio podcast is Chapter 4 of a twelve-part series from the audiobook Realizing Change by Ian Hetherington. It examines the course program detailing how it helps students get the most from their retreat.

4 - The Course Experience - During
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
69 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"The Course Experience - Before" from Realizing Change

June 12, 2015

"I hung the brochure with the course schedule on the wall of my room, and often looked at it in disbelief. Counting the meditation periods, I kept thinking, is that really ten hours? Are they nuts? Am I nuts? What am I doing here? Why am I doing this to myself? Something had drawn me to the place, certainly, but as the ten-day course geared up to begin, I still could not pinpoint what it was."

This audio podcast is Chapter 3 of a twelve-part series from the audiobook Realizing Change by Ian Hetherington. It investigates why many students have travelled thousands of miles to attend the 10-day vipassana retreat and how they came to be there.

3 - The Course Experience - Before
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
32 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"What Is Vipassana Meditation?" from Realizing Change

May 21, 2015

Meditation means different things to different people. In the West the word commonly carries a very loose meaning connected with “thinking things through,” “pondering,” “reflecting.” It can also have associations with prayer or religious contemplation, relaxation and altered states of consciousness. Interest in “meditation” has been growing steadily since the 1960s but the breadth of definition can be confusing. It covers such a range of activities which use the same term in very different ways. To lots of people it remains a hazy area, even weird. What’s it all about?

This audio podcast is Chapter 2 of a twelve-part series from the audiobook Realizing Change by Ian Hetherington.

2 - What Is Vipassana Meditation?
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
18 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

"Challenge and Change" from Realizing Change

April 13, 2015

This audio podcast is Chapter 1 of a twelve-part series from the upcoming audiobook Realizing Change by Ian Hetherington. Alongside an account of the technique, each chapter is a sampling of the voices of meditators from different communities: young and old, female and male, simple and sophisticated. Some contributors’ names have been altered by request. Each has his or her own story—how they came to Vipassana, what they’ve learned, the struggles, the gains; all humanity at the water’s edge, finding common refreshment in a practice focused on peace, happiness, compassion and loving kindness.

1 - Challenge and Change
as read by Ian Hetherington
recorded 2014/2015
21 minutes

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Realizing Change: Copyright, 2015 Pariyatti

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

Dr. Paul Fleischman (Weyhauser Chapel at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN - June 25, 2001)

January 15, 2015

Cultivating Inner Peace
a lecture by Paul R. Fleischman, M.D.

Even in the context of modern life, inner peace can be cultivated, and can grow amply in your life. To facilitate inner peace, meditation is most effective when it is realistic, pragmatic, and free from dogma or cult. In his talk, Dr. Fleischman will discuss the practice of meditation based on non-sectarian, universal truths. This practice can be explained rationally and unfolds into a harmonious way of life, enhancing love, compassion, joy and peace. 

A question-and-answer session follows the talk at 1:06:07 of the audio file.

Paul Fleischman
Weyhauser Chapel at Macalester College
June 25, 2001
1 hour 39 minutes

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Copyright, 2015 Paul R. Fleischman

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

Dr. Paul Fleischman (Google in March 2012)

November 19, 2014

On March 14, 2012, Paul Fleischman visited Google headquarters in Mountain View, California and gave a talk about Vipassana meditation to Google employees. A Question-and-Answer session followed afterward (located at 57:39 of the recording).

Paul Fleischman
March 14, 2012
1 hour 05 minutes

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Copyright, 2014 Paul R. Fleischman

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

Dr. Paul Fleischman (Tufts University, December 2012)

June 04, 2014

This is a talk by Dr. Paul Fleischman followed by a Q. & A. session at Tufts University in December 2012.

Paul Fleischman
Tufts University
December 2012
1 hour 25 minutes

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Copyright, 2014 Paul R. Fleischman

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

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