Pariyatti Podcasts

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Ft. Bragg, CA

October 14, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to Eagle's Hall, Ft. Bragg, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Ft. Bragg, CA
Recorded June 12, 2002
72 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Rohnert Park, CA

September 14, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Person Theatre, Rohnert Park, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Rohnert Park, CA
June 10, 2002
79 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

Richard Crutcher - Loka: the Buddha's Formulation of the Universe

August 14, 2007

A talk from the second "Insights From an Ancient Tradition" conference, held at the Vipassana Meditation Center (Dhamma Dhara), Shelburne, Mass., September, 2000.

Richard Crutcher
Shelbourne, MA
September 2000
53 minutes

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The audio from this conference may be purchased here.

Copyright, 2000 Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Berkeley, CA

July 14, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Berkeley Community Theater, Berkeley, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Berkeley, CA
Recorded June 8, 2002
72 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Cupertino, CA

June 15, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Flint Center, De Anza College, Cupertino, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Cupertino, CA
Recorded June 7, 2002
74 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

Hill of Dhamma

May 14, 2007

Rising above a small village named Igatpuri which is Northeast of Mumbai (Bombay), India, is the Vipassana International Academy, also known as Dhamma Giri or Hill of Dhamma. Thousands of people from all over the world come here to practice and study Vipassana meditation, a simple, practical method for achieving real peace of mind. Ten-day courses in Vipassana are taught here, and at more than 100 other Centers worldwide, by Mr. S. N. Goenka and his assistant teachers.

This 16-minute documentary film entitled Hill of Dhamma tells about the the technique of Vipassana itself, the 10 day courses and Dhamma Giri the first Center to be established in India after this technique was returned from Myanmar (formerly Burma) where it has been preserved for over 2,000 years.

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Runtime: 18 minutes

Copyright, 1996 Vipassana Research Institute

A video of this film may be purchased in English and Mandarin

There is more information about Vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Fresno, CA

April 14, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Tower Theatre, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Tower Theatre, CA
Recorded June 4, 2002
69 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Los Angeles, CA

March 14, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Wadsworth Theatre, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Wadsworth Theatre, CA
Recorded June 1, 2002
70 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

Dr. Gerhard Scholz & Dr. Urban Studer in Shelburne, MA

February 14, 2007

A talk from the 1999 "Insights from an Ancient Tradition" seminar held in Shelbourne Falls, MA, Integrating Vipassana Meditation and professional addiction therapy.

Dr. Gerhard Scholz & Dr. Urban Studer
Shelburne, MA
6 September 1999
59 minutes

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Copyright, 1999 Vipassana Research Institute

A follow up to this 1999 "Insights from an Ancient Tradition" conference was held in 2000. The audio from the 2000 conference may be purchased here

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Irvine, CA

January 14, 2007

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to the Irvine Stake Center, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation. This talk is bilingual English and Mandarin.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Irvine Stake Center, CA
Recorded May 31, 2002
64 minutes
Bilingual English-Mandarin

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

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