Pariyatti Podcasts

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in San Diego, CA

December 15, 2006

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to San Diego University, CA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
San Diego University, CA
Recorded May 30, 2002
73 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

CBC Outfront - Aziza Sindhu

November 15, 2006

This month: a radio show by Aziza Sindhu regarding her experience at a Vipassana Meditation course. Originally aired on CBC Outfront on January 25, 2005.

Duration: 15 minutes.

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Copyright, 2005 CBC Radio.

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Denver, CO

October 14, 2006

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to Westin Hotel, Denver, CO, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Westin Hotel, Denver, CO
Recorded May 24, 2002
66 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

The Great Global Pagoda

September 15, 2006

Great Global Pagoda (video)

This 16-minute film offers a stunning look at the Global Pagoda being built on the outskirts of Mumbai, India's most populous city. It is a modern wonder of engineering and vision. Architecturally, this building will be by far the largest single-span stone dome in the world, twice as big as the Basilica of St. Peter at the Vatican. Computer-guided stone saws are at work beside craftsmen using timeless chisel and hammer techniques.

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Runtime: 19 minutes

The Global Pagoda pays tribute to Myanmar for safeguarding the Dhamma by reflecting the outer form of its famous Shwedagon Pagoda. However this pagoda is being built as a hollow structure that will seat 9,000 for meditation, and feature a gallery with educational panels and displays to inform visitors about the matchless contribution of the Buddha to human history. Thus it is intended to serve as a beacon of practice and education for multitudes, for centuries to come.

The placement of the keystone by which the dome shall be closed (in which the relics of the Buddha shall be placed) will occur on October 29, 2006. For this function the respected Sangha of various Buddhist countries has been invited.

Publisher: Karuna Films
Publication Date: July, 2005

There is more information about Vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now in Dallas, TX

August 15, 2006

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to Weisfield Center, Dallas, TX, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Weisfield Center, Dallas, TX
Recorded May 19, 2002
60 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

A Simple Path

July 15, 2006

Today we bring you a 21-minute video with excerpts of an interview with S.N. Goenka while he was visiting the Vipassana Meditation Center in Belgium on August 10, 2002.

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Runtime: 21 minutes

For a faster download you may wish to try the audio only version.
Streaming Audio (ideal for users with slower Internet connections): Click here to listen
Audio Download (9 MB): Click here to download

Copyright, 2002 Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now at Charlotte, NC

June 14, 2006

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to Hindu Temple in Charlotte, NC, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Hindu Temple, Charlotte, NC
Recorded May 13, 2002
68 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

Vivian Snyder in Shelburne, MA

May 14, 2006

A talk from the 1999 "Insights from an Ancient Tradition" seminar held in Shelbourne Falls, MA, Different Kinds of Minds is a discussion of ADHD and ways that Vipassana Meditation can help with treatment.

Vivian Snyder
Shelburne, MA
5 September 1999
60 minutes

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Copyright, 1999 Vipassana Research Institute

A follow up to this 1999 "Insights from an Ancient Tradition" conference was held in 2000. The audio from the 2000 conference may be purchased here.

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now at Kennett Square, PA

April 14, 2006

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to Unionville High School, Kennett Square, PA, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now Talk with Q&A
Unionville High School, Kennett Square, PA
Recorded May 10, 2002
80 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

S.N. Goenka - Meditation Now at Interfaith Center, NY

March 15, 2006

Our next stop on the Meditation Now tour, 2002, takes us to Interfaith Center, New York, where S.N. Goenka discusses Vipassana meditation.

Meditation Now public talk with Q&A
Interfaith Center, NY
Recorded May 8th, 2002
56 minutes

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Meditation Now: Copyright, 2002
Vipassana Research Institute

There is more information about vipassana meditation at, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore.

May all beings be happy!

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