Pariyatti Podcasts

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 68 excerpt)

December 31, 2022

Story 68 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

On my way to school one bitterly cold winter's day, I passed a house in the early stages of being built. The workers were framing the roof. The wind was howling, the snow was blowing, and they kept at it because that is what we all must do. We choose our path…roofer, physicist, or, like me, a solo contemplative on a hilltop in India. But we hone our craft every day, even...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
2 minutes 45 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

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Pariyatti Presents... Maintaining Your Meditation Practice at Home: A Panel Discussiion

December 30, 2022

Pariyatti Presents...a panel discussion about "Maintaining Your Meditation Practice at Home: Helpful Supports and Challenges" recorded on November 13, 2022. The panel consists of meditators in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin as taught by S.N. Goenka moderated by Paul R. Fleischman. The panelists (Michal Barnea Astrog, Wayne Smith, Kory Goldberg and Marta Van Patten) share their experiences based on the questions "What helps you with your daily meditation at home?" and "What are the difficulties that you face with your meditation at home?"

Michal Barnea Astrog, Wayne Smith, Kory Goldberg and Marta Van Patten
facilitated by Paul R. Fleischman
1 hour

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Find more information about Vipassana meditation visit or visit the Vipassana meditation section at Pariyatti.

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video copyright 2022 Pariyatti

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A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 67 excerpt)

December 28, 2022

Story 67 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

I was too thin to have good quality clothes fit me well. When I wore a suit, my head looked too small. When I turned my head while wearing a collar and tie, neither collar nor tie moved. Like a compass, my tie always pointed north. If it weren't for the sleeves, I could perform a full 360-degree rotation without my suit getting a wrinkle. But in the end,...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
5 minutes 01 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 66 excerpt)

December 24, 2022

Story 66 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

To be a Buddhist is to be a Stoic and to be a Stoic is to be a Buddhist. Neither is a religion. Mere belief in their precepts holds no purchase. Reciting them every morning proves futile. Both speak of universal truths and natural laws that govern human and social behavior. Both schools are empirical, which is to say they are evidence-based. And that itself is grounded or tested, even, on one’s own experience. They both conclude that...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
5 minutes 28 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

Pariyatti Presents... An Interview with Bill Crecelius, author of A Meditator's Handbook

December 23, 2022

This is a Pariyatti Presents... interview with Bill Crecelius, the author of A Meditator's Handbook, Vipassana teacher and practiioner of Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin. The interview is followed by a 30-minute Q&A session, where he answers selected questions from the audience.

Bill Crecelius
interviewed by Marta Van Patten
1 hour 29 minutes

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The Vimeo player has Chapter markers located at the bottom right on the video player.

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Get A Meditator's Handbook at Pariyatti. View the book in other langauges.

View all past Pariyatti Presents... events.

video copyright 2022 Pariyatti

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 65 excerpt)

December 21, 2022

Story 65 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

From my small hut atop a hill in Maharashtra, I could watch the farmers on the plains below. Late afternoon was my favorite time of day. The cow dust hour, it was called, and for good reason. The cows kicked up reddish dust as they were herded home from the pastures. The farmers sang...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
2 minutes 13 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 64 excerpt)

December 17, 2022

Story 64 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

When someone says hello to me in Korean, I invariably reply “kamsahamnida.” My response is immediate and trips naturally off my tongue. Unfortunately “kamsahamnida” does not mean “hello.” It means, “thank you.” But I don’t care. To my ear, “kamsahamnida” sounds like a greeting. It sounds more like a...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
3 minutes 39 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

Pariyatti Presents... An interview with Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi

December 16, 2022

This is a Pariyatti Presents... interview with the Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi on September 18, 2022. Ven. Bodhi discusses topics such as how he became a monk, how he started his Pāli translation work, the challenges encountered, social engagement as a monk (while running the charity Buddhist Global Relief), and right speech. The interview is followed by a 30-minute Q&A session, where he answers selected questions from the audience.

Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
interviewed by Kory Goldberg
1 hour 32 minutes

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The Vimeo player has Chapter markers located at the bottom right on the video player.

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View the Bhihhku Bodhi catalog at Pariyatti.

View all past Pariyatti Presents... events.

video copyright 2022 Pariyatti

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 63 excerpt)

December 14, 2022

Story 63 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

I like to bake bread. Actually, the bread bakes itself; I simply facilitate the process. I add the flour to the yeast and water. I then knead the mixture, but even in this most tactile of experiences I am more an engaged observer than a creator. Kneading continues until the mixture reveals to my hands and fingers that the mixture is well kneaded. I do not know how long this takes,...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
2 minutes 14 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

A Lifetime Doing Nothing (Story 62 excerpt)

December 10, 2022

Story 62 from 'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' by Ian McCrorie

Because we aren't trying to get better or happier or stronger or wealthier, our life advice no longer needs to come from style gurus and lifestyle coaches. (What is a lifestyle anyway? And why does it need coaching?) Of course, we aren't trying to get sadder or weaker or poorer either. We are simply living a more unconditioned life, a more honest life, more content with our lot. We have not exchanged one overtly conditioned mindset for another,...

narrated by Ian McCrorie
5 minutes 05 seconds

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Audio copyright, 2022 Pariyatti

'A Lifetime Doing Nothing' as a book and eBook can be found at

More by Ian McCrorie.

View more books and audio resources available in the Pariyatti bookstore.

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