Day 1: Sārnāth
Arrive in Sārnāth and check in to our accommodations where we’ll have an orientation session, group meditation, and dinner.
清晨出发,导游带领去鹿野苑并在那里坐禅。鹿野苑是佛陀最初说法,初转法轮之圣地。我们将在当地居民家享用中餐。之后参观考古博物馆,逛街,在慕尔甘陀哈‧库提‧维哈尔(Mulgandha Kuti Vihar)共修,同时由印度和斯里兰卡的比丘唱诵转法轮经。
Day 2: Sārnāth
We’ll head out early in the morning for a guided tour and meditation at the Deer Park, where the Buddha gave his first sermons and set in motion the wheel of Dhamma. After lunch with a local family, we’ll visit the Archaeological Museum, wander around town, and meditate at the Mūlagandhakuti Vihāra while Indian and Sri Lankan bhikkhus chant the Dhammacakkapavatthana Sutta.
Day 3: Sārnāth
To help orient the pilgrimage experience, we’ll do a 1-Day course at the Dhamma Cakka Vipassana Centre.
第四天:从鹿野苑到菩提伽叶(Sārnāth to Bodhgayā)
早晨大餐、集体共修之后,我们将乘车6小时去菩提伽叶,中途我们会歇脚喝茶并用中餐。我们将在著名的大觉寺(Mahabodhi Temple)的菩提树下集体共修,纪念佛陀悟道成佛。
Day 4: Sārnāth to Bodhgayā
After a hearty breakfast and group meditation, we’ll embark on a six-hour bus-ride to Bodhgayā, with a pit-stop along the way for chai (tea) and lunch. After checking into our accommodations, we’ll honor the Buddha’s Awakening with a group meditation under the Bodhi Tree at the celebrated Mahābodhi Temple.
第五天:菩提伽叶 (Bodhgayā)
我们将以菩提树下集体禅修开始这一天,紧接着在 Be Happy Café 餐馆享用美味早餐。我们将在午餐前继续四周的参观、听历史故事、拍摄缤纷留影、以及在 Mahābodhi Temple 建筑群自行禅修,直到中午回到 Be Happy Café 餐馆享用由加拿大厨师为我们准备的意式午餐,披萨。朝圣者们可以利用下午时间自行在 Mahābodhi Temple 建筑群内禅修,或在 Bodhgayā 寺庙区域散步、购物、品茶、或回到住处休息。
Day 5: Bodhgayā
We’ll begin the day with a group meditation under the Bodhi Tree, followed by a delicious breakfast at the Be Happy Café. We’ll then continue to tour around, listen to stories, take colourful snapshots, and meditate around the Mahābodhi Temple’s complex before returning to the Be Happy Café for an Italian-styled lunch prepared by a Canadian pizzaiola. Pilgrims can then spend the afternoon meditating on their own at the Mahābodhi Temple, wandering around Bodhgayā’s monastic zones and markets, savoring a cup of chai, or resting back at our accommodations.
我们将爬山去一个现被称作摩诃罗的洞穴,佛陀成佛前曾在那里日夜苦修静坐。在塔哈加塔酒店(the Hotel Tathagata)享受印度式素斋美味之后,我们会有一些自由活动时间,然后在菩提树下进行当日最后的集体共修。
Day 6: Bodhgayā
Known today as Mahākala Cave, this site where we will climb up to and meditate is where the Buddha spend his days engaged in meditation and austerities prior to Awakening. After a delicious Indian vegetarian meal at the Hotel Tathagata, we’ll have some more free time before our final group meditation of the day under the Bodhi Tree.
Day 7: Bodhgayā
To help internally absorb our pilgrimage experience, we’ll meditate for the day at Dhamma Bodhi Vipassana Centre.
第八天:菩提伽叶 (Bohgayā)
今天早上我们会为缅甸庙里的比丘布施食物和生活必需品以表达我们对僧伽的敬意。这是菩提伽叶最老的寺庙,也是葛印卡最开始在印度传授10日内观课程的圣地。我们会参与缅甸僧人的可口素餐,在金色的缅甸佛像间打坐,接受在此寺庙长住或短住的比丘的祝福。这之后我们会爬到象牙山上去沉思佛陀著名的烈火布道(Fire Sermon)的智慧。最后,我们会以菩提树下的集体共修来结束一天。
Day 8: Bodhgayā
This morning we will pay homage to the Saṇgha by offering the daily meal and material requisites to a group of bhikkhus at the Burmese Vihara. Not only is it the oldest monastery in Bodhgayā, this sacred space is also where Goenkaji taught some of his first 10-day Vipassana courses in India. After partaking in a scrumptious Burmese vegetarian meal, meditating among golden Burmese Buddha images, and receiving blessings from the resident and visiting Burmese bhikkhus, we’ll climb up Gayasisa Hill to meditate on the wisdom of the Buddha’s celebrated Fire Sermon. Once again, we’ll conclude our day with a group meditation under the Bodhi Tree.
第九天:从菩提伽叶到那兰陀城( Bodhgayā to Nāḷandā)
我们将在摩诃菩提寺(Mahabodhi Temple)进行最后一次禅修,然后继续我们的行程去那烂陀城,此城的胜迹是以一所国际性的佛教大学而闻名于世,其历史一直延续了700多年。那烂陀城很有特色的两个地方是安巴拉塔体咯(Ambalataṭṭhikā)和帕瓦日卡(Pāvārikā)的芒果林,那是佛陀在该区域时很喜欢去的地方。
Day 9: Bodhgayā to Nāḷandā
After meditating at Mahābodhi Temple for one last time we travel onward to Nāḷandā, famous for its heritage as an international Buddhist university that lasted for more than 700 years. The town also featured the Ambalataṭṭhikā and Pāvārikā’s Mango Grove—the Buddha’s favorite spots in the region.
第十天:那烂陀城及王舍城(Nāḷandā & Rājagaha (Rajgir))
我们将带着坐禅用具参观王舍城,那是印度人类居住最古老的都城之一,现在成了佛教徒、耆那教徒和印度教徒精神寄托的著名圣地。我们将爬山去七页窟(Sattapanni Cave),那是佛灭后的第一次经典集结地。在那里我们可以看到山上和谷底布满了样式现代的耆那教和印度教寺庙,景色极壮观。然后我们将在悉达多酒店享用自助中餐。餐后将聆听启迪心灵的故事并在竹林精舍美丽的花园里禅修,竹林精舍是佛陀建造的第一座寺院。从竹林精舍出发,我们将去耆婆的芒果林(耆婆是印度古代名医-译者注)和频毗娑罗王(Bimbisara)监狱进行短暂的参观。之后,我们将徒步去灵鹫峰,在日落西下的美景中坐禅。
Day 10: Nāḷandā & Rājagaha (Rajgir)
With meditation gear in hand we’ll tour around Rājagaha, one of India’s oldest inhabited cities and currently celebrated as a place of spiritual importance by Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus. On our way up the mountain to Sattapanni Cave where the First Council was held after the Buddha’s passing, we’ll enjoy spectacular views of mountains and valleys dotted with contemporary Jain and Hindu temples. After a delicious buffet lunch at Hotel Siddhartha, we’ll listen to inspiring stories and meditate in the lovely gardens of the Bamboo Grove, the first monastery established by the Buddha. From there, we’ll briefly visit Jivaka’s Mango Grove and Bimbisara’s Jail before sauntering up to Vulture’s Peak for a spectacular sunset meditation.
第十一天:从那烂陀城到毘舍離(Nāḷandā to Vesālī /Vaishali)
早晨,我们首先在玄娤大师纪念堂集体共修。玄娤是7世纪著名的朝圣者,他在没有地图的情况下从中国徒步来到印度。如果不是他留下令人惊异的文字记录,很多印度的文化,历史,社会状况将鲜为人知,很多朝圣的地方更不得而知。接着我们去毘舍離,这是最近才涌现的朝圣地,佛陀曾在此频繁传法。办理入住后,我们将在子离车舍利塔共修(Licchavī Stūpa),子离车舍利塔是最初供奉佛舍利的 “八王” 舍利塔之一。
Day 11: Nāḷandā to Vesālī (Vaishali)
Our morning will begin with a group meditation at the memorial temple dedicated to Xuan Zang, the renowned 7th century pilgrim who traveled by foot from China to India without a map. If not for his fascinating written accounts, much of India’s culture, history, and society, not to mention knowledge of the pilgrimage sites, would be largely unknown today. We’ll then travel to Vaishali, a newly emerging pilgrimage site, where the Buddha frequently taught. After checking in to our accommodations, we’ll meditate at the Licchavī Stūpa, one of the original eight mahāstūpas containing the Buddha’s relics.
这一天的前半部分我们将在大林精舍(Mahāvana Kutugarasala Vihāra)的遗址上共修,这里曾是著名的森林寺院,佛陀及其弟子曾在此无数次弘法。这里还有阿难陀舍利塔。阿难陀是佛陀的堂弟及随常侍者。接下来半天,朝圣者们可以休息或在村庄漫步。
Day 12: Vesālī (Vaishali)
The first part of the day will be spent meditating and wandering the ruins of the Mahāvana Kutugarasala Vihāra, the eminent forest monastery home to numerous teachings given by the Buddha and his disciples, as well as the stūpa that contained the mortal remains of Ānanda, the Buddha’s cousin and personal attendant. Pilgrims will have the second half of the day to rest or wander around the village.
第十三天:盖瑟里亚&拘尸那迦(Kesariya & Kusinārā (Kushinagar))
在去拘尸那迦的路上,我们会停留去朝圣拜钵宝塔遗址,沿拜钵宝塔四周的斜坡建有很壮观的台阶。这里也是佛陀涅槃前最后告别离车国王子们的地方。据说在此地附近佛陀开讲了著名的羯腊摩经(Kalama Sutta),并强调指出真理必须由我们自己去发现,真理植根于缘由及经验。到达佛陀进入涅槃的拘尸那迦城之后,我们将在大涅塔和大涅寺坐禅共修,这个圣殿是标志佛灭涅槃的圣地。在日光莲花大饭店(Lotus Nikko Hotel)用餐后,我们会在一个西藏寺庙里打坐和休息。这个寺庙离标志佛陀脱离身心世界的大涅塔只有几百米路。
Day 13: Kesariya & Kusinārā (Kushinagar)
On our way to Kushinagar, we’ll break at the ruins of the magnificent multi-terraced Kesariya Stūpa, which marks the site of when the Buddha departed from the Licchavī princes for the last time before his passing. This spot is also believed to be in the vicinity of where the Buddha delivered his famous Kāḷāma Sutta, highlighting that Truth must be discovered by oneself and rooted in reason and experience. Upon our arrival in Kushinagar, the city where the Buddha passed into Mahāparinibbāna, we’ll dine at the Lotus Nikko Hotel before meditating and retiring for the evening at the colorful Tibetan Monastery, located a few hundred metres away from the Mahāparinibbāna Stūpa and Temple, the shrine marking the site of the Buddha’s permanent departure from the world of mind and matter.
第十四天:拘尸那迦(Kusinārā (Kushinagar))
Day 14: Kusinārā (Kushinagar)
The day will commence with meditations and stories of the Buddha’s last days at the Mahāparinibbāna Stūpa and Temple, followed by a Saṇgha-dāna and lunch at the Burmese Vihāra. In the evening, we’ll meditate upon the arising and passing of all phenomena at the Ramabhar Stūpa, the monument marking the Buddha’s cremation.
今天我们将坐车去蓝比尼,这是佛陀的出生地。途中我们将歇脚喝印度奶茶,并在泰960休息--这是印度北部灰尘飞扬的乡村平原中的一个绿洲,具有东南亚热带风情。穿过印度边境进入尼泊尔后,我们将入住扎西拉布丹岭宾馆(Tashi Rabten Ling Guest House),然后在蓝比尼圣园里充满能量的摩耶夫人寺(Mahāmaya Temple)禅修。
Day 15: Lumbinī
Today we will travel to Lumbinī, the Buddha’s birthplace. The long drive will be broken up with stops for chai, and will include a rest at the Thai 960, a tropical Southeast Asian oasis in the middle of the dusty agricultural plains of North-central India. After crossing the border into Nepal, we’ll check-in to the lovely Tashi Rabten Ling Guest House before our evening meditation at the spiritually charged Mahāmaya Temple in the Lumbinī Sacred Garden.
Day 16: Lumbinī
The first half of the day will be spent touring around, listening to stories of the Buddha’s childhood, and meditating at the tranquil Lumbinī Sacred Garden. After lunch at Tashi Rabten Ling, we’ll have a chance to explore the numerous Buddhist monasteries by foot, bicycle, or rickshaw, or simply relax in the charming gardens at Tashi Rabten Ling.
Day 17: Lumbinī
On the agenda today is a visit to the Nepalese part of the ancient kingdom of Kapilavastu. Our first stop is at Tilaurakot, the site of the Great Renunciation where the Bodhisatta left his family to seek out the end of human suffering. Next, we’ll wander monastic ruins, absorb old wisdom tales, and meditate under wild mango trees at the Nigrodhārāma, where many Sakyan warriors left the worldly life to follow in the footsteps of their clansman. After lunch at Tashi Rabten Ling, we’ll have free time before reconvening for a group meditation at the Lumbinī Sacred Garden.
Day 18: Lumbinī
A 1-Day Vipassana course at Dhamma Janani Vipassana Centre will provide an opportunity for integrating all the lessons learned during the sacred pilgrimage.
第十九天:{印度境内的}迦毗罗卫城(Indian Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu))
我们会从蓝比尼坐长途巴士去印度。下车后,我们便会发现自己到了一片天堂—皇家休息所(Royal Retreat),在这里吃过可口的国际自助晚餐,休息后,我们会在释迦舍利塔(Sakyan Stūpa)打坐,三个安放佛舍利的匣子曾在这个多层纪念塔里被发现。
Day 19: Indian Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu)
Disembarking from the long bus ride from Lumbinī, we’ll find ourselves at the Royal Retreat colonial paradise. After a sumptuous international buffet and rest period, we’ll meditate at the Sakyan Stūpa, a multi-layered monument where three of the Buddha’s relic caskets had been found.
第二十天:舍卫城(Sāvatthi (Shravasti))
舍卫城是佛陀时期最大和人口最多的城市,佛陀曾在这里度过了他二十四个雨安季。坐车到达这里的韩国寺后,我们会花一天时间在给孤独园(Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍikārāma)修葺一新的庭院里带着觉知去散步。
Day 20: Sāvatthi (Shravasti)
Upon our arrival at the Korean Monastery in Sāvatthī, the largest and most prosperous city during the Buddha’s time and where he had spent twenty-four of his rainy seasons, we will spend the day mindfully roaming about the manicured landscape of the Jetavana Anāthapiṇḍikārāma.
第二十一天:舍卫城(Sāvatthi (Shravasti))
在舍卫城内观中心进行半日内观课程后,我们将在大神变纪念塔(Miracle Stūpa)遗址和后来重新建造的鹿母讲堂(Pubbarama Monastery)坐禅共修,这个著名的寺院最初由维沙卡建造。她是佛陀最著名的女资助人,她在孩提时就征得了须陀洹果位。中午我们在日光莲花大饭店用餐之后,将去央掘摩罗塔,给孤独长者塔,以及斯里兰卡寺走走。斯里兰卡寺内珍藏一副壁画,极为华丽,所绘内容都是佛本生的故事。
Day 21: Sāvatthi (Shravasti)
After a ½-day Vipassana course at Dhamma Suvatthi Vipassana Centre, we’ll visit and meditate at the ruins of the Miracle Stūpa and at the reconstructed site of the famed Pubbarama Monastery, which had initially been built by Visākha, the Buddha’s foremost patroness who had attained the first stage of Awakening in childhood. After lunch at the Lotus Nikko Hotel, we’ll saunter around at the Angulimāla Stūpa, Anāthapindika Stūpa and Sri Lankan Monastery, which contains a wonderful mural depicting scenes from the Buddha’s life.
Day 22: Lucknow
Once we are finished with our morning meditation and breakfast at the Korean Monastery, we’ll travel to Lucknow where pilgrims will be dropped off at the train station or airport for their homebound journeys.
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