Off the Beaten Path – India

Explore rarely visited sites where the Dhamma flourished in India from the 3rd Century BCE to the 10th Century AD in the vicinity of Bodhgaya and Rajgir. The experience of being at these places with a meditative mind will enable the pilgrim to appreciate more fully the Dhamma communities that once lived and practiced there up to two thousand years ago. Exposure to these stimulating sites will reward the meditator with a vivid sense of where and how the Dhamma evolved in its country of birth.


This pilgrimage is recommended for those who have completed the traditional journey to the places where the Buddha lived and taught (either with Pariyatti or on one's own), and would like to extend their awareness and understanding of ancient India to include those places where the Dhamma flourished during the time of the Buddha and during the centuries after his parinibbāna.   

While there will be ample time for meditation on this pilgrimage, most of our days will be occupied on mindful walks, ranging between one to three hours, through fields and along mountain trails. Only those who possess good physical health and stamina should apply.

Upcoming Pilgrimages

February 3 - 12, 2025 (Underway)


Day 1: Bodhgayā

Pilgrims will arrive in Bodhgayā and check in to the monastery guest house. After an orientation session, group meditation and dinner at our accommodation’s meditation hall, we’ll honour the Buddha’s Awakening with another group meditation under the Bodhi Tree at the celebrated Mahābodhi Temple.

Day 2: Bodhgayā & Surroundings
Towering above the remote village of Gurpa is Kukkutapadagiri, or Cock's Foot Mountain. We’ll climb up this steep mountain for 90 minutes to enjoy spectacular views, eat a picnic lunch and meditate at the commemorative shrine where the Buddha’s famous disciple, Mahākassapa, was last seen. Legend has it that the rugged bhikkhu is still meditating in a secret cave awaiting to offer robes to the next Buddha. 

In the evening we’ll enjoy a delicious Indian vegetarian meal at a local restaurant followed by a group sitting under the Bodhi Tree.

Day 3: Bodhgayā & Surroundings
Today’s excursion will entail trekking around the Barābar, Nāgārjuni and Kauwa Dol Hills, and meditating in some ancient caves that were carved out by King Asoka for both the Bhikkhu Saṅgha as well as yogis from other contemplative traditions.

Day 4: Bodhgayā
Between our group sittings and meals at the delectable Be Happy Café, pilgrims will spend the afternoon meditating on their own at the Mahābodhi Temple, wandering around Bodhgayā’s monastic zones and markets, savouring a cup of chai, or relaxing at our accommodation.

Day 5: Bodhgayā
To help internally absorb our pilgrimage experience, we’ll meditate for the day at the Dhamma Bodhi International Vipassana Meditation Centre.

Day 6: Bodhgayā to Rājagaha (Rajgir)
Leaving Bodhgayā after an early breakfast and group sitting, we’ll drive to Jethian, the village said to be the location of the Palm Grove Monastery. Jethian (known as Laṭṭhivana in the Buddha’s days), is where King Bimbisara became a sotapanna and offered land to the Buddha for the first monastery. From here, we’ll walk along an old mountain trail, undoubtedly used by the Buddha and the bhikkhus-of-old, for approximately three hours, until we reach the ancient capital of Rājagaha. Here, we will rest and nourish our bodies at a local pilgrim’s rest-house.

Day 7: Rājagaha & Surroundings
With meditation gear in hand, we’ll enjoy an easy 10-minute stroll up Vediya Mountain, home to the Indasāla Cave where the Buddha meditated and gave Dhamma instructions to Sakka, the king of the devas. After meditating in the cave, we’ll stop for lunch in Nalanda and a group sitting at the tranquil Nalanda Vipassana Centre. Brief visits to Silao, the famous site where the Buddha and Mahākassapa exchanges robes, and to Juafardīh, the site of Mahāmoggāllana’s birthplace and Parinibbāna will serve as contemplative pit stops on the way back to the rest house. 

Day 8: Rājagaha & Surroundings
We’ll begin our day with an early morning 15-minute climb up to Vulture’s Peak. After breakfast at our rest-house, we’ll make the 45-minute ascent up Giriyek Hill, which is crowned with the remains of an ancient stūpa commemorating the Buddha’s right-hand man, Sāriputta. One of the village hamlets viewed from our perch is the birthplace and parinibbāṇa of the Great Disciple. After lunch and some time to rest, we’ll hike up to Saptaparni Cave, the site of the First Buddhist Council, for a meditation at sunset.

Day 9: Rājagaha & Surroundings
Pigeon Cave (Kapotakandara) is a remote site where the Buddha, Sāriputta and Mogallāna enjoyed retreating for secluded meditation. The steep 45-minute trek is well worth experiencing the rugged meditative atmosphere and remarkable mountain views. 

In the late afternoon, we’ll contemplate inspiring stories and meditate in the lovely gardens of the Bamboo Grove, the first monastery established by the Buddha. The day will conclude with a group sitting and a wrap-up session at the rest-house, followed by a scrumptious meal at the luxurious Indo Hokke Hotel.

Day 10: Rājagaha to Patna
After our final early morning meditation, we’ll enjoy one last breakfast together before travelling to the Pāṭaliputra Karuṇā Stūpa in the ancient capital of Patna where we will end our pilgrimage with a group meditation in the presence of the Buddha’s bone relics. Leaving the sacred, we’ll be shuttled off to the profane at Patna’s airport or train station. 


Eligibility & Code of Conduct

Pariyatti pilgrims are expected to be serious Vipassana meditators who are committed exclusively to practicing Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka, and have: (click Read More)

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  1. completed (not including service) at least three 10-day Vipassana courses
  2. not practiced any other meditation techniques since their last 10-day course
  3. been practicing this technique of Vipassana for at least one year
  4. attempted to maintain a meditation practice and the five precepts in daily life.
  5. completed the traditional journey to the places where the Buddha lived and taught (either with Pariyatti or on one's own)

The capable Pilgrim:

  • understands that a Pilgrimage is not a vacation, but rather a serious endeavor that requires both physical and mental stamina. The Pilgrimage process is much more like a Vipassana course, and requires participants to practice awareness and equanimity to everything that they experience both externally and internally.
  • understands that a Pilgrimage is physically demanding. In addition to long hours of sitting, participants will often walk between the various sacred sites and frequently spend long periods of time on bumpy bus rides.
  • understands that it is his/her responsibility is to put up with discomforts and uncertainties as they arise, and also work with his/her inner “storms” in a balanced and responsible manner. Staying back from a day’s activities when feeling unwell, either mentally or physically, is not a loss but will help you recuperate for the rest of the pilgrimage. Pushing your limits is not acceptable as the results affect the entire group.
  • understands that while on a Pilgrimage, limiting speech is the best approach. When speech is necessary, it should be limited to the concerns at hand or to Dhamma-related discussions. This will foster a deeper and more balanced pilgrimage experience.
  • is expected to be firmly committed to daily meditation practice. Group sittings are central to the pilgrimage experience and to fostering unity and harmony with your fellow pilgrims.
  • is expected to be consistent in participating in scheduled group sittings. At the same time, s/he is expected to make sensible choices to maintain one’s physical, emotional and mental health and may choose to meditate on his/her own or to take rest, when needed.
  • is expected to dress modestly and in line with local cultural norms. Shorts, tank tops, and other tight or revealing clothing are not appropriate in the cultural context or while on a Pilgrimage. Clothing which is ideal for the climate meets these requirements, and it is available for minimal cost locally. Please plan ahead to ensure you have appropriate clothing before the pilgrimage starts.
  • is expected to comply with requests made by the Pilgrimage Guide and male/female managers.
  • understands that if s/he is unable to meet this Code of Conduct, s/he may be removed from the pilgrimage, and will be responsible for arranging the return travel.
  • is required to carry travel health insurance.
  • displays conduct that is amenable to group travel and appropriate for the cultural context.


Off the Beaten Path – India: US$995 per person. This covers all accommodations, meals, transportation, entry fees, and guiding team expenses. Accommodations are shared and in monasteries and hotels. The pilgrimage cost does not include visas, personal travel insurance, cost of airfare to and from India, nor additional nights' accommodation at the beginning and end of the pilgrimage.

Scholarships & Donations: If you are able to afford the full fees, in the application process you will have the opportunity to consider donating to fund scholarships to support others who cannot afford the full amount. For those who cannot afford the full fees, in the application process you will be asked how much you can afford to pay. 

Anyone wishing to donate to our Pilgrimage Fund is welcome to do so. Contributions to the Pilgrimage Fund will be used to cover the costs of volunteers who help us run the pilgrimages, and also to provide scholarships for those who are unable to afford the full pilgrimage fees. 

Donate to the Pilgrimage Fund


Along the Path cover

Now revised and updated, this unique guidebook provides practical and inspiring information for meditators who plan to visit India and Nepal and the sacred sites where the Buddha lived and taught.