Pariyatti Journal

Welcome to the Pariyatti Journal, the online journal by and for meditators! By publishing articles, book reviews, and artistic endeavors, our aim is to stimulate deep reflection, inspiration, and intelligent conversation about meditation practice—on and off the cushion.

Articles may touch upon various subject categories such as:

  • Reflections on the practice of Vipassana meditation at home or on courses.
  • Applications of Vipassana meditation in daily life.
  • Reflections on ethics and its applications from a Dhamma perspective.
  • Scholarly research on aspects of Vipassana meditation and canonical texts.
  • Dhamma inspired poetry, short stories, photography and films.

Our intention is to have a broad group of Vipassana writers and readers. Articles ranging between 500 and 5000 words may take on a personal, journalistic, or scholarly tone.

Click on 'Journal' in the left menu to view the journal entries.

Click on 'Types of Contributions' and 'Submission Procedures' in the left menu for more information.

If you have any submission inquiries or are interested in helping out as a text reviewer or copy-editor, please send a note to

We look forward to reading what you have to say!


Articles may touch upon various subject categories (see below for acceptable and unacceptable topics). As our intention is to have a broad group of Vipassana writers and readers, articles may take on a personal, journalistic, or scholarly tone. Articles may range between 500 and 5000 words (the approximate number of minutes to read an article or review will be noted at the top of the page when published). Please consult the editor if you plan on deviating from these parameters. Contributors are welcome to contact the editor prior to submission to discuss potential projects or for guidance regarding the sorts of topics which are suitable for publication in the Pariyatti Journal.


Book Reviews


Pariyatti Journal publishes book reviews on all aspects of Dhamma practice and thought. Our intent is to provide informative and thorough reviews of books, especially but not limited to recently published work. The aim of a book review is to summarize and assess a book’s main points, and also provide a reasoned evaluation about its worth. Critiques should be directed at an author’s ideas alone, not towards an author’s character. Backbiting and gossip will be rejected.

Anyone wishing to review a book listed on Pariyatti’s website, or a Dhamma book distributed elsewhere should contact the editor. Book reviews may range between 500 and 1500 words.

References to the book should be cited in the body of the review. Where quoting from the book in question, referring to an author’s ideas or arguments, please provide in-text bracketed, page references and avoid endnotes or footnotes.


Poetry & Art


Poems, short stories, photography, paintings, drawings and films are welcome for review.

Short stories may range between 1000 and 7000 words (the approximate number of minutes to read an article or review will be noted at the top of the page when published). Please consult the editor if you plan on deviating from these parameters. Contributors are welcome to contact the editor prior to submission to discuss potential projects or for guidance regarding the sorts of topics which are suitable for publication in the Pariyatti Journal.

Submission Procedures

Thank you for considering Pariyatti Journal as a platform to share your ideas. Here are a few procedural notes to help you understand our process operated entirely by volunteers.

Submissions should be as Microsoft Word files, using Times Extended New Roman font. Please be sure to consult the Style Guide. Please do not submit drafts or incomplete works. While minor changes are permitted during final proofreading, Pariyatti Journal policy normally does not allow changes to an article after it has been published on the site.

After your article or book review has been accepted and edited, it will be returned to you for a final proofreading.

Authors of accepted works assign to Pariyatti the right to publish the text both electronically and in any other format.

There are no fixed publication dates; submissions will be published as soon as they have been received and approved by a blind peer review consisting of at least three reviewers. This ongoing publication approach helps avoid the lengthy delays usually associated with fixed publication dates.

Turnaround time for submissions will be at most three months after submission. Before an article is accepted, authors may be asked to follow through with the editing team’s suggestions for accuracy, content, tone, etc. Authors failing to collaborate could be refused on that basis. For the sake of clarity, anyone submitting an article or review will be asked to follow a Style Guide.


All comments on articles and book reviews will be reviewed by at least one reviewer prior to posting. Turnaround time for comments are within a week after being submitted.

To ensure quality and positive discussion, all comments will be moderated.

Subject Matter

Acceptable subject matter:

  • Reflections on the practice of Vipassana meditation at home or on retreats
  • Applications of Vipassana meditation in daily life
  • Reflections on ethics and its applications from a Dhamma perspective
  • Scholarly research on aspects of Vipassana meditation and canonical texts
  • Dhamma inspired poetry, short stories, photography and films.

Unacceptable Subject Matter:

  • Controversial political discussions concerning specific individuals, traditions, and organizations.
  • Content not related to Dhamma practice.

Style Guide


  • Paragraphs should not be indented.


  • Headings are boldfaced.
  • Main headings have:
    • Capital letters for significant words
    • Times Extended New Roman font
    • One line before first sentence of section.
  • Subheadings have:
    • Initial capital only
    • Italic font


  • Use serial commas (i.e., place a comma before “and” in a list; e.g., “sīla, samādhi, and pañña”).
  • Periods and commas go inside quotation marks; semicolons and colons go outside quotation marks.
  • Use commas after “e.g.,” and “i.e.,”
  • Use unspaced em-dashes (—). Most word-processors will convert double-hyphens to em-dashes automatically.
  • Use apostrophe for possessives of words ending in –s, e.g., “ Jonas' view.”


  • Use only double quotation marks (except for quotes within a quote, which use single marks).
  • Quotes of four lines or longer should be indented, with one line before and one line after. Block quotes do not have quotation marks, and the source is provided at the end of the quote.
  • Text within quotations must remain as published


  • Spaced ellipsis, without brackets; four spaced dots when including a full stop.


  • No space between initials in a name (e.g., S.N. Goenka).


  • Numbers one to ninety-nine are written out; numbers 100 and over are in numerals. Percentages, however, are written as numerals (e.g., 99%).
  • No elision of numbers. For instance, pages 232-238, not 232-38; 1980-1984, not 1980-84.

References & Footnotes


  • 1800s, not 1800’s.
  • “1960s,” not “sixties.”
  • “Seventh century,” not “Seventh Century” or “7th Century.”
  • 623 B.C.E., 50 C.E. (B.C.E. and C.E. are preferred to B.C. and A.D.)
  • Ranges: 1950-1959 (with a hyphen, not a dash).


  • Do not use bold anywhere in the document except for headings.
  • Use italics for emphasis rather than bold or underscoring

Non-English Language Issues

  • All technical non-English terms are italicized and include diacritical marks. However, Pāli terms commonly used in English do not need to be italicized (e.g., sīla, samādhi, pañña, jhāna, mettā, vedāna, vipassanā, Vipassana, dhamma, etc.)
  • Use Times Extended New Roman that contains characters with the necessary diacritical marks. Examples of Bibliographic Entries (MLA Style, 8th Edition)
  • To type Pāli characters, you may wish to install the Pāli Keyboard


All enquiries may be sent to