金色之旅–缅甸:: 美金2,450/人。包括所有的住宿,用餐,交通,门票及导游费。朝圣所收 取的费用不包括护照签证,个人旅行保险,往返缅甸的机票开支,也不包括朝圣开始或结 束时额外的住宿费用。
The Golden Path – Burma: US$2,450 per person. This covers all accommodations, meals, transportation, entry fees, and guide fees. The pilgrimage cost does not include visas, personal travel insurance, cost of airfare to and from Burma, nor additional nights' accommodation at the beginning and end of the pilgrimage.
轻松缅甸行 自选项: 美金250元/人。如果您有能力支付,我们极力推荐,因为这可以让 您在开始朝圣前有时间倒时差,习惯当地的水土气候。这包括两个晚上和三个白天所有的食宿、交通、门票及导游的费用。
Optional Ease into Burma: US$250 per person. If you are able to afford it, we highly recommend it as it will give you time to recover from jet lag and acclimatize to the country before starting your pilgrimage. This includes all accommodations, meals, transportation, entry fees, and guide fees for 3 days and 2 nights.
奖学金及捐款: 如果您能够全额付费,在申请过程中可以有机会考虑是否捐赠奖学金,奖学金将用来支持其他不能全额付费的朝圣者。对于那些不能全额付费的人士,在申请过程中将被问及能够支付多少。
Scholarships & Donations: If you are able to afford the full fees, in the application process you will have the opportunity to consider donating to fund scholarships to support others who cannot afford the full amount. For those who cannot afford the full fees, in the application process you will be asked how much you can afford to pay.
我们欢迎任何愿意为我们朝圣基金乐捐的人士。 所有朝圣基金的捐款,将作为奖学金分配给那些不能全额支付朝圣之旅的人士。奖学金不得用于轻松缅甸行的自选项。
Anyone wishing to donate to our Pilgrimage Fund is welcome to do so. Contributions to the Pilgrimage Fund will be used to provide scholarships for those who are unable to afford the full pilgrimage fees. Scholarships are not awarded to cover the costs of the optional Ease into Burma package.
One-time Donation | 次性捐赠 Monthly Donation | 每月捐赠