Join us on September 22 for a talk by Patrick Given-Wilson on A Householder Tradition. Register now.

金色之旅– 缅甸朝圣

The Golden Path– Burma Pilgrimage

The Golden Path - Burma Pilgrimage

对于把正法一脉传承下来的缅甸先师们,我内心充满了感激之情。这些先师达人通过从未 间断的师徒传承,保持了这个正法教导最纯净的原始状态并一代一代传承至今……
—S.N. 葛印卡

My heart fills with gratitude to the traditional Dhamma teachers of Burma who, through an unbroken chain of teachers to disciples, kept this teaching in its pristine purity from generation to generation...
—S.N. Goenka

特色 Features



  • 参观内观法一脉传承至乌巴庆尊者相关的禅修胜地并在这些胜地上集体共修  
  • 参观朝圣沿途中的不同内观中心并在这些内观中心集体共修
  • 跟来自世界各地的同修一起旅游、禅修并发展友谊
  • Visit and meditate at sites connected to the lineage of teachers in the Vipassana tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin 
  • Visit and meditate at Vipassana centers along the pilgrimage route
  • Travel, meditate, and develop friendships with meditators from around the world


Upcoming Pilgrimages

Important Note : In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is uncertain whether we will be able to proceed with our scheduled pilgrimages. If any pilgrimage is cancelled before it commences, please rest assured that we will refund 100% of your fees.


Jan 9 to 26, 2021

2021年01月09日 – 26日

日程安排 Itinerary


金色之旅 – 缅甸
The Golden Path – Burma

Pilgrimage for 17-nights (US$2,450)

  • 第一天 仰光
    到达仰光,入住酒店。所有朝圣者都到达后将召开行前说明 会,然后去漂亮的大金塔集 体共修。我们将回宾馆用晚餐并 休息。
  • Day 1: Yangon
    Arrive in Yangon and check into our accommodations. Once all the pilgrims have arrived, we will have an orientation session, followed by a group sitting at the beautiful Shwedagon Pagoda. We will return to the hotel for dinner and rest.
  • 第二天:大金塔和国际内观中心(IMC)
    当天的第一项安排是去神圣的大金塔集体共修并游览。享用美味的中餐之后,我们将在 国际内观中心集体共修,这个内观中心是由葛印卡的老师乌巴庆尊者创立的。晚上我们 回宾馆用餐并休息。
  • Day 2: Shwedagon and International Meditation Center (IMC)
    We’ll begin the day with a group sitting at the sacred Shwedagon Pagoda followed by a tour of Shwedagon. After a hearty lunch, we’ll have a group sitting at IMC, the meditation center founded by Goenkaji’s teacher, Sayagyi U Ba Khin. We’ll return in the evening for dinner and rest at the hotel.
  • 第三天:世界和平塔及马查帕卡萨洞穴
    这个殊胜的宝塔藏有佛陀、目犍连和舍利佛的舍利。宝塔内空,被称作“Pato”,里面有 一个神殿。我们将在神殿里集体共修一小时。中餐后,我们将参观马查帕卡萨洞穴,此 洞穴在1954-1956年期间曾召开了世界第六次佛教大会。此洞穴也见证了葛印卡第一次 开始为法服务。1954年他曾在这里为佛教大会的参与者们准备素餐。2004年,葛印卡曾 在此洞穴召开的世界佛教高层会议上做了演讲。
  • Day 3: Kaba Aye Pagoda and Mahapakasa Cave
    This special pagoda contains relics of the Buddha, Moggallana and Sariputta. The pagoda is a hollow type of pagoda referred to as “Pato” and contains an inner shrine room where we will meditate for one hour. After lunch, we will visit Mahapakasa Cave where the 6th Buddhist council was held from 1954-1956. This cave also marks Goenkaji’s first Dhamma service, as he arranged for vegetarian food for the participants in 1954. Goenkaji also gave a speech at this Cave for the Buddhist World Summit in 2004.
  • 第四天:乌铁老师日 -仰光河对岸的颇伟吉(Pyaw Bwe Gyi)农村
    美美的早餐之后,我们将乘着静静的渡船,去到仰光河对岸的 一个小村庄。那里是乌巴 庆尊者第一次跟乌铁老师上10日内 观课的地方。每个朝圣者都将得到一个殊胜的机会在 乌铁老 师私密的内观室里打坐,并在乌巴庆老师首次上内观课程的禅 堂里打坐。朝圣者 还可以有更多的时间去探索村庄或在乌铁 老师的内观中心继续禅修。晚间,我们将 坐渡船回宾馆用晚 餐并休息。
  • Day 4: Saya Thetgyi day - Pyaw Bwe Gyi
    After a hearty breakfast we’ll take a peaceful ferry ride across the Yangon River to the small village where Sayagyi U Ba Khin took his first ten day Vipassana course with his teacher Saya Thetgyi. Each pilgrim will have the unique opportunity to meditate in Saya Thetgyi’s private meditation cell, and to sit in the Dhamma Hall where Sayagyi took his first course. Pilgrims will also have time to explore the village or meditate more at Saya Thetgyi’s center. In the evening we will catch the ferry ride back across the river for dinner and rest at our hotel.
  • 第五天:仰光法炬内观中心 – 一日内观课
  • Day 5: Dhamma Joti - one day sitting
    To help frame the pilgrimage experience, we will join a one day course at Dhamma Joti, the Vipassana Center in Yangon.
  • 第六天:动身飞往曼德勒
    我们将很早出发赶航班去曼德勒并入住宾馆。午餐休息后,导游带我们去参观马哈木尼 佛塔并在那集体共修。葛印卡老师曾经跟他的祖父拜访过这个地方。晚上我们将在曼 德勒山顶观看日落。然后回宾馆用晚餐并休息。
  • Day 6: Travel to Mandalay via flight
    We will leave early for a flight to Mandalay and check into our hotel. After lunch and rest, we will enjoy a guided tour of the Maha Muni Pagoda followed by a group sitting. As a young boy, Goenkaji used to visit this location with his grandfather. In the evening, we will watch the sun setting from the top of Mandalay Hill. We will return for dinner and rest to our hotel.
  • 第七天:马哈木尼佛塔及曼达波内观中心
    我们将在马哈木尼佛塔进行集体共修,然后是自由活动。附近是缅甸买铃和锣的好去处 ,经常有内观的师兄们为他们的朋友或他们区域的内观中心买这些东西。如果你在附近 地区走走,有可能看到技艺精湛的大理石雕刻。中餐后,我们将参观曼达波内观中心, 就坐落在曼德勒市区内。虽然这个内观中心不再举行常规的十日课程,很多内观禅修者 会来此上一日课或禅修一小时。我们将去那集体共修一小时,然后去摩柯菩提内观中心 ,就在曼达波内观中心隔壁。读过玛丽拜尔斯写的《缅甸沉默之旅》的读者将对这个地 方有特别的兴趣。
  • Day 7: Maha Muni Pagoda and Dhamma Mandapa
    We will have a group sitting at the Maha Muni Pagoda followed by free time. This is a good place to purchase Burmese bells and gongs that meditators often like to buy for their friends or local Vipassana centers. You may also be able to watch the skilled marble carving if you walk around the area. After lunch we will visit Dhamma Mandapa, the small Vipassana center inside the city limits of Mandalay. Although the center is no longer holding regular ten day courses, many meditators sit at this center for one day courses and one hour group sittings. We will have a one hour group sitting there followed by a visit to Maha Bodhi Meditation Center next door to Dhamma Mandapa. This location will be of special interest to those who have read Journey into Burmese Silence by Marie Byles.
  • 第八天:韦布 西亚多 日
    我们将去皎色镇,那里是乌巴庆尊者认识韦布 西亚多的地方。当时乌巴庆尊者正在行使 他例行的火车站账目检查。上午我们将在乌巴庆见到韦布西亚多的小屋坐落处集体共修 ,然后我们进行供僧,为住在那里的僧侣敬奉必需品和中餐。下午,每个朝圣者都有一 个特别珍贵的机会在韦布西亚多经常打坐的洞穴里打坐一小时。当一些朝圣者在洞穴里 打坐时(洞穴里一次只能坐6人),其他人可以自由活动,爬到阶梯的顶部去看看寺院 ,那儿也许藏有韦布西亚多的舍利子呢。我们将回到曼德勒的宾馆用中餐并休息。
  • Day 8: Webu Sayadaw day
    We will travel to Kyauk Sei where Sayagyi U Ba Khin came in contact with the Ven. Webu Sayadaw when Sayagyi was on his regular Railway office accounting rounds. After morning meditation at the hut location where Sayagyi met Webu Sayadaw, we will have the opportunity to participate in a Sangha dana, the offering of requisites and lunch, for the resident monks. In the afternoon, each pilgrim will gain the precious opportunity to meditate for one hour in the cave where Webu Sayadaw used to meditate. During the time when some pilgrims are meditating in the cave (only 6 can fit in the cave at a time), others will have free time to explore the monastery at the top of the stairs which may contain relics of Webu Sayadaw. We will return to the hotel in Mandalay for dinner and rest.
  • 第九天::曼荼罗内观中心一日课程并参观固都陶佛塔
    为了帮助大家吸收朝圣体验,我们将共聚曼荼罗内观中心上一日课。这个风景如画的内 观中心坐落在曼德勒郊外,地处山区农村。在回曼德勒宾馆的途中,我们将在固都陶佛 塔停留参观。固都陶佛塔内藏有世界上最大的书:729块大理石石碑上篆刻了整套巴利 三藏经。
  • Day 9: One day sitting - Dhamma Mandala and visit to Kuthodaw Pagoda
    To help absorb the pilgrimage experience we will join a one day course at Dhamma Mandala, the picturesque Vipassana meditation center just outside of Mandalay in the mountainous countryside. On the way back to the hotel in Mandalay, we will stop by the Kuthodaw Pagoda, containing the world’s largest book: 729 marble tablets inscribed with the entire Tipitaka Pāli canon.
  • 第十天:实皆群山
    当日第一个项目是坐在车上看美丽的风景,车子将开过桥进入实皆的群山。我们将在普 利卡玛寺非常安静的洞穴里集体共修一小时,然后为那儿的僧侣供僧,这是一个很特别 的机会。中餐后我们将参观Pa Bar Jaon寺院,然后有一小时集体共修。我们将回曼德 勒的宾馆用晚餐并休息。
  • Day 10: Sagaing hills
    We’ll begin the day with a beautiful bus ride across the bridge into the Sagaing hills. We will meditate for one hour in the peaceful and quiet cave of Prekkama Monastery, followed by the special opportunity to provide Sangha dana for the resident monks. After lunch, we will explore Pa Bar Jaon Monastery followed by a group sitting together. We will return for dinner and rest to our hotel in Mandalay.
  • 第十一天:去望濑
    早餐后我们动身去望濑。车程3至5 小时,然后入住那里的宾馆,用中餐并休息。下午我 们将去Su Taung Pye佛塔走走,看看在那里展示的佛陀著名大弟子并在那跟当地的内观 老生一起共修。我们将回望濑的宾馆一起用晚餐。
  • Day 11: Travel to Monywa
    We will leave for Monywa after breakfast. After a 3 to 5 hour bus ride, we will enjoy lunch and settle into our hotel for rest. In the afternoon, we will leave for Su Taung Pye pagoda to wander the grounds, see the Agga disciple display and join a group sitting with local old students. We will have dinner together back at the hotel in Monywa.
  • 第十二天:马哈雷迪寺
    当日上午,我们将在马哈雷迪寺集体共修,表达我们对雷迪尊者的敬意。同时我们也将 为住在寺里的僧人和现在的文·雷迪 西亚多进行供僧。我们将去森林的小屋参拜,看看 大理石碑,上面篆刻着雷迪尊者所有的著作。午餐后,我们可以选择去望濑一些著名的 旅游胜地,如天波得佛塔和立佛。晚上我们回望濑的宾馆用餐并休息。
  • Day 12: Maha Ledi Monastery
    This morning we will pay homage to the great Ven. Ledi Sayadaw by meditating at the Maha Ledi Monastery, and offering Sangha dana to the resident monks and current Ven. Ledi Sayadaw. We will have a walking tour of the forest hut and marble tablets containing all of Ven. Ledi Sayadaw’s writings. After lunch, we will have the option to take in some of the famous tourist sites of Monywa like Thanboddhay Pagoda and the Standing Buddha. In the evening we will have dinner and rest at our hotel in Monywa.
  • 第十三天:雷迪西亚多洞穴及Ñaṇadhaja内观中心
    一顿美美的早餐之后,我们动身去Shwe Taung Oo塔(雷迪洞)和附近的Ñaṇadhaja内 观中心。每个朝圣者都将有幸在雷迪尊者的洞穴里打坐,并观览整个宝塔建筑。我们将 在漂亮的Ñaṇadhaja内观中心用中餐,然后在这个宝塔里面打坐。晚上回宾馆用餐并休 息。
  • Day 13: Ledi Sayadaw’s cave and Dhamma Ñaṇadhaja
    After a hearty breakfast, we'll depart for Shwe Taung Oo Pagoda (Ledi cave) and Dhamma Ñaṇadhaja, the Vipassana Center near the cave. Each pilgrim will have the happy opportunity to meditate in Ven. Ledi Sayadaw’s cave and explore the pagoda complex. We will eat lunch at the lovely Dhamma Ñaṇadhaja followed by a group sitting in the pagoda. We will return to the hotel for dinner and rest.
  • 第十四天:在Ñaṇadhaja内观中心上一日内观课
    为了帮助大家进一步吸收朝圣体验,我们将在舒适的Ñaṇadhaja内观中心上一天内观课 。这个内观中心离望濑的雷迪西亚多洞穴很近。
  • Day 14: One day course at Dhamma Ñaṇadhaja
    To help further absorb the experiences of the pilgrimage, we will meditate for one day at the comfortable Dhamma Ñaṇadhaja Vipassana Center near Ledi Sayadaw’s cave in Monywa. We will return to the hotel for dinner and rest.
  • 第十五天:去殷平村
    我们一大早就要集体共修并用早餐,接着乘车去塞因皮吉村,那是雷迪尊者的诞生地。 在这样吉祥的地方,我们将和当地的村民欢聚一堂,为当地的僧侣供僧。中餐后我们将 继续前往殷平村,这里是韦布尊者的一个寺庙。在寺庙安顿好之后,我们有一小时集体 共修,然后用晚餐并休息。
  • Day 15: Travel to Ingynbin
    We will begin the day early with a group sitting and breakfast followed by a bus trip to Saine Pyin Gyi village, the birthplace of Ven. Ledi Sayadaw. After a celebratory and rare opportunity to join the local village in giving a Sangha Dana to local monks in this most auspicious location, we will enjoy lunch and carry on traveling to Ingyinbin, the location of one of Webu Sayadaw’s monasteries. After settling into the monastery, we will sit together for one hour followed by dinner and rest.
  • 第十六天:殷平村上的韦布西亚多寺庙
    早上我们在寺庙集体共修,然后参拜寺庙内的重要圣地,其中包括乌巴庆尊者的房间( 他曾在那里出家一周),还有韦布西亚多的小屋。我们将有时间休息,探索寺庙和村子 。然后集体共修。我们将在寺庙用晚餐并在那过夜。
  • Day 16: Webu Sayadaw Monastery at Ingynbin
    Our morning will begin with a group meditation on the grounds of the monastery followed by a tour of important sites within the compound, including Sayagyi U Ba Khin’s room (where he came to Ingynbin to take robes for one week), and Webu Sayadaw’s hut. We’ll then have time to rest and explore the monastery and village, followed by a group sitting together. We will enjoy dinner and a night’s rest within the monastery grounds.
  • 第十七天:告别
    早餐后我们将动身回曼德勒,在那我们将再一次参观马哈木尼佛塔并做最后一次集体共 修。然后我们共进告别晚餐。这将是我们在曼德勒宾馆的最后一晚,请把离开曼德勒的 航班预定在第二天。
  • Day 17: Farewells
    After breakfast we will travel back to Mandalay where we will visit the Maha Muni Pagoda one last time for our final group sitting together. We will then share a lovely farewell meal together. All onward flights can be booked for the next day out of Mandalay, as we will spend one last night in the hotel in Mandalay.

在Google地图上观看路线图 (View route on Google Maps)


Map of Pilgrimage in Burma



  • 第一天: 到达仰光;登记入住酒店;欢迎晚餐
  • 第二天: 简短说明/介绍;仰光旅游观光;在大金塔集体禅修;晚餐
  • 第三天: 早餐;仰光旅游观光

17天朝圣 ( 2,450美元)

  • 仰光: 5晚上 (包括在仰光法炬内观中心的一日内观课程)
  • 曼德勒: 6晚上 (包括在曼德勒内观中心的一日内观课程)
  • 望濑: 4晚上 (包括在Ñaṇadhaja内观中心的一日内观课程)
  • 殷平村: 2晚上

录取条件 Eligibility



加入帕瑞亚蒂的朝圣者必须是严肃认真的内观禅修者, 把S.N.葛印卡传授的方法当作唯一 的禅修方法,具体条件如下: (点击 继续阅读)

Eligibility & Code of Conduct

Pariyatti pilgrims are expected to be serious Vipassana meditators who are committed exclusively to practicing Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka, and have: (click Read More)

继续阅读 Read More
  1. 至少完成3期10日内观课程(不包括法工服务);
    completed (not including service) at least three 10-day Vipassana courses
  2. 在最近一次10日内观课程之后,没有修过任何其他内观方法;
    not practiced any other meditation techniques since their last 10-day course
  3. 持续修习内观至少一年以上;
    been practicing this technique of Vipassana for at least one year
  4. 每日修持内观并信守五戒。
    attempted to maintain a meditation practice and the five precepts in daily life.


胜任的朝圣者 The capable Pilgrim:

  • 明白朝圣并非度假,必须认真对待,没有坚韧的体能和心智力是不能胜任的。朝圣过程更像一个内观课程,无论参与者在内心还是外在,在一切事情上都要修炼自己的觉察力和平等心。
    understands that a Pilgrimage is not a vacation, but rather a serious endeavor that requires both physical and mental stamina. The Pilgrimage process is much more like a Vipassana course, and requires participants to practice awareness and equanimity to everything that they experience both externally and internally.
  • 明白朝圣需要付出很多体力。除了长时间的禅修,经常需要学员穿梭往返于不同的圣地,并需要长时间频繁地坐车颠簸。
    understands that a Pilgrimage is physically demanding. In addition to long hours of sitting, participants will often walk between the various sacred sites and frequently spend long periods of time on bumpy bus rides.
  • 明白自己有责任忍受艰苦和事情的不确定性,需要用平衡而负责的态度来对待内心发生的“风暴”。如果心理或生理感觉不适而停止一天活动算不得什么损失,但却可以帮助自己恢复健康来做好余下的朝圣。强迫自己超越底限是不能被接受的,其结果会影响到整个团体。
    understands that it is his/her responsibility is to put up with discomforts and uncertainties as they arise, and also work with his/her inner “storms” in a balanced and responsible manner. Staying back from a day’s activities when feeling unwell, either mentally or physically, is not a loss but will help you recuperate for the rest of the pilgrimage. Pushing your limits is not acceptable as the results affect the entire group.
  • 明白朝圣途中尽量少说话是最好的方式。说话要切题或和讨论的正法相关。这可以营造出更深刻,更平衡的朝圣体验。
    understands that while on a Pilgrimage, limiting speech is the best approach. When speech is necessary, it should be limited to the concerns at hand or to Dhamma-related discussions. This will foster a deeper and more balanced pilgrimage experience.
  • 自觉承诺每日的内观修持。集体共修是朝圣体验的重点,也是朝圣时和其他成员营造团结和谐氛围的关键。
    is expected to be firmly committed to daily meditation practice. Group sittings are central to the pilgrimage experience and to fostering unity and harmony with your fellow pilgrims.
  • 坚持参加规定的集体共修。同时也要为保持身心健康而作出明智的选择,在需要时可以选择个人自修或休息。
    is expected to be consistent in participating in scheduled group sittings. At the same time, s/he is expected to make sensible choices to maintain one’s physical, emotional and mental health and may choose to meditate on his/her own or to take rest, when needed.
  • 衣着要朴素得体,不违背当地的文化习俗。短裤,吊带衫,背心和其他紧身或暴露身体的衣物有违当地的文化氛围,也不适合在朝圣时穿着。符合当地气候情况的理想衣物要符合这些条件,而且在当地有买,价格低廉。请事先安排以确保在朝圣之前准备好合适的衣物。
    is expected to dress modestly and in line with local cultural norms. Shorts, tank tops, and other tight or revealing clothing are not appropriate in the cultural context or while on a Pilgrimage. Clothing which is ideal for the climate meets these requirements, and it is available for minimal cost locally. Please plan ahead to ensure you have appropriate clothing before the pilgrimage starts.
  • 必须听从朝圣导游及男/女经理提出的相关要求。
    is expected to comply with requests made by the Pilgrimage Guide and male/female managers.
  • 知道如果不遵守行为规范,有可能被除名并自行负责自己的回程安排。
    understands that if s/he is unable to meet this Code of Conduct, s/he may be removed from the pilgrimage, and will be responsible for arranging the return travel.
  • 必须携带旅行平安保险。
    is required to carry travel health insurance.
  • 行为表现要有利于团体旅行并适合当地的文化氛围。
    displays conduct that is amenable to group travel and appropriate for the cultural context.

费用 Cost


金色之旅–缅甸:: 美金2,450/人。包括所有的住宿,用餐,交通,门票及导游费。朝圣所收 取的费用不包括护照签证,个人旅行保险,往返缅甸的机票开支,也不包括朝圣开始或结 束时额外的住宿费用。

The Golden Path – Burma: US$2,450 per person. This covers all accommodations, meals, transportation, entry fees, and guide fees. The pilgrimage cost does not include visas, personal travel insurance, cost of airfare to and from Burma, nor additional nights' accommodation at the beginning and end of the pilgrimage. 

轻松缅甸行 自选项: 美金250元/人。如果您有能力支付,我们极力推荐,因为这可以让 您在开始朝圣前有时间倒时差,习惯当地的水土气候。这包括两个晚上和三个白天所有的食宿、交通、门票及导游的费用。

Optional Ease into Burma: US$250 per person. If you are able to afford it, we highly recommend it as it will give you time to recover from jet lag and acclimatize to the country before starting your pilgrimage. This includes all accommodations, meals, transportation, entry fees, and guide fees for 3 days and 2 nights.

奖学金及捐款: 如果您能够全额付费,在申请过程中可以有机会考虑是否捐赠奖学金,奖学金将用来支持其他不能全额付费的朝圣者。对于那些不能全额付费的人士,在申请过程中将被问及能够支付多少。

Scholarships & Donations: If you are able to afford the full fees, in the application process you will have the opportunity to consider donating to fund scholarships to support others who cannot afford the full amount. For those who cannot afford the full fees, in the application process you will be asked how much you can afford to pay. 

我们欢迎任何愿意为我们朝圣基金乐捐的人士。 所有朝圣基金的捐款,将作为奖学金分配给那些不能全额支付朝圣之旅的人士。奖学金不得用于轻松缅甸行的自选项。

Anyone wishing to donate to our Pilgrimage Fund is welcome to do so. Contributions to the Pilgrimage Fund will be used to provide scholarships for those who are unable to afford the full pilgrimage fees. Scholarships are not awarded to cover the costs of the optional Ease into Burma package.

One-time Donation | 次性捐赠 Monthly Donation | 每月捐赠

旅游指南 Guidebook

Golden Path cover

金色之旅是一本很特别的旅游指南,专为了那些逗留在缅甸追求正法并希望提高自己正法 的实践和理论的人而写。这本书也让我们对缅甸的佛教及寺院生活有更多的理解和欣赏。 本书十四个章节的四个章节已经完成并发表。您可以免费下载打印这本PDF电子书。

The Golden Path is a unique guide for Dhamma seekers who wish to develop in paṭipatti (practice) and pariyatti (theory) while in Myanmar, as well as to gain an appreciation of Burmese Buddhist and monastic life. Four of the fourteen chapters are completed and released as a free, printable PDF eBook.
